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Georgia Debt Settlement Lawyer / Georgia Credit Card Debt Lawyer

Georgia Credit Card Debt Settlement Lawyer

Credit card debt in the U.S. has exceeded one trillion dollars. The average American carries more than $8,000 in debt across several cards; younger Americans aged 18 to 29 carry most of the country’s credit card debt and are far more likely to be delinquent than older cardholders. The danger of credit cards lies in their revolving balance nature. Every month that a card isn’t paid off, the balance continues to grow, as does the amount charged as interest and the amount required to make a minimum payment. Eventually, the amount owed grows so high that it becomes impossible to even keep up with the minimum payment. For some, the balance can never be paid off

Credit Card companies are quite content to let their cardholders charge more expenses month after month without paying off cards. After all, this generates large interest payments for the companies, doing little to reduce the principal balances. But let just a few months go by where payments are missed, and the same companies are ready to sue their customers to collect the entire amounts due.

If this has happened to you, Konn LLC can help. We are a debt settlement law firm. From our Sandy Springs office, we help individuals and families across Atlanta and throughout the state of Georgia avoid judgments and collections from credit card lawsuits. We negotiate settlement agreements that allow our clients to make smaller, more manageable monthly payments interest-free or pay reduced balances entirely. Such agreements can provide effective relief from serious financial distress about having your wages garnished or liens placed on your property. Call Konn LLC today for a free consultation with our Georgia credit card debt settlement lawyer.

If You’ve Been Contacted About a Debt

If a creditor is pursuing collections against you, you might receive a debt validation letter as required by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This letter should include details about the debt, including the amount owed and the creditor currently in possession of the debt, whether it’s the original credit card company or another company to whom it has sold the debt. It’s important to review this letter carefully to see if the creditor’s records match up with yours. Alleged debts by creditors may not be supported by accurate information. Inaccurate balances may be listed, failing to include payments you’ve made, or even listing the wrong cardholder!

If your records don’t match those of the creditor, you can – and should – request more detailed information. However, before asking for more information or otherwise responding to a debt verification letter, talk to a debt relief lawyer about your options. It may be that the statute of limitations (the time limit) for collecting a debt will run out soon. In Georgia, credit card companies and associated collection agencies have six years from the date of last payment on a credit card account to file suit. If they fail to file within that time, they can lose their ability to collect. A credit card company may not be diligent in staying within the statute of limitations, so you don’t want to take any action that could cause it to file a lawsuit sooner rather than later.

If You’ve Already Been Sued

If you receive a copy of a summons and complaint through the mail or personal service, this means a credit card company has filed a lawsuit against you in court to collect the debt it says you owe. It’s crucial to contact a lawyer as soon as possible at this point, as you only have 30 days to file a response with the court and assert any defenses you may have. If you fail to respond, the credit card company could move to have a default judgment entered against you. With a judgment in hand, the company can proceed to collections via wage or bank garnishment, liens, repossession, foreclosure, among other means.

By contacting Konn LLC as soon as you receive a complaint, we’ll be able to ensure a response to the lawsuit is timely filed. We’ll also begin the process of negotiating a debt settlement with the attorneys representing the credit card company. We’ve been handling debt settlement in Georgia for several years. We not only know the law and legal procedures, but we know the players as well. We’ve negotiated debt settlements with all the major law firms that regularly represent credit card companies in Atlanta and across Georgia. This means we are very familiar with industry standard settlement percentages, so we can give you an accurate expectation of what your case will settle for. Further, we know how to deliver the best result for you based on your financial situation, your creditor, and the law firm representing the creditor.

Serving All Of Georgia

Contact Konn LLC Today

Time is of the essence when you’ve been sued by a credit card company, but you need not worry about having a judgment entered against you. Allow Konn LLC to represent you, and we can settle your debt with manageable monthly payments or for less than the amount owed, so you won’t face the prospect of collections. Whether you are in the Atlanta area or anywhere in the state, call us today at our Lilburn office for a free consultation with an experienced and successful Georgia credit card debt settlement lawyer, who is ready and eager to help.